Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I have purged the need to watch the whole series of the X-FILES and my sciatica has been miraculously cured. Telescoping 9 years of television into a matter of weeks is a remarkable achievement! It is like time travel. I sat through a televisual decade more or less scrutinizing the change in car design and mobile phones; always a giggle. The fashion didn't seem to change at all! The autos, barely. I was amazed FBI agents sped around in a crappy 1995 Ford Taurus. Not going to catch an alien-hybrid or a spy that way! To make a long story short, the show set a template for many genres to come. It presaged all CSI forensics TV – I hadn't realized this – and all government thrillers. It also developed a sense of warm self parody, now common. Although a smash hit, much can be gained from a rerun. The show mixed horror, thrills and comedy. Five Stars, dude.

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